Monday, September 30, 2019

Creativity in Maths Essay

The purpose and value of creativity in primary mathematics education Within this essay I am going to discuss the complex notion of creativity, In specific relation to creative teaching within the subject of mathematics. I will define the Issues of Interpreting creativity and the debates surrounding these issues. Secondly I am going to look at theories of creativity and the different views which have been argued. In relation to pedagogy, I will examine if the amount of assessment that teachers are now required to do restricts how creative they can be within their delivery of the curriculum. Furthermore, I will analyse the difficulties of creative pedagogy and the implementation of creative learning across the curriculum, focusing on mathematics. Creative learning can be highly beneficial for children’s learning and development, I will highlight the reasons for this and look at key theories relating to the debate. Lastly, I will look at policies and reviews which suggest that creative teaching approaches should be used across the curriculum. Wlthln education there are complex Issues relating to creativity. Creativity Is defined by different people In many different ways. Duffy (1998 cited In Brock, Dodds, Jarvis nd Olusoga, 2009) defines creativity as a means of forming new connections in a way that is meaningful to the individual. In this way creativity can be very useful for learning, due to the fact that it can help individuals create new distinctions within their learning and gain a firmer understanding of what they are being taught. Similarly Kohl (2008) suggested that creative activities are about exploring exciting and advanced ideas in the hope of discovering something new. Through experimentation learners may stumble across knowledge that was previously unknown to them, which gives them the opportunity to expand on their nderstanding. By provldlng children with creative opportunities practitioners are giving them a chance to expand their knowledge through self-directed learning, In a way that Is of Interest to them as an Individual. Freud (1900 cited in Woolfolk, Hughes and Walkup, 2008) took a psychoanalytical approach to creativity. He believed that creativity is present in all individuals within their unconscious mind and that it is brought about due to a wish to fulfil that individuals desires. Freud argued that all individuals have a creative potential, they just do not always display the use of it. Within children he identified creativity as ideation, a process of creating new ideas. When engaging in certain activities children will be creative In order to gain more enjoyment from what they are doing. Maslow (1943), however took a humanistic approach to the Idea of creativity. He suggested that the drive to learn is intrinsic as Individuals strive to reach self- actualisation. Maslows hierarchy of needs depicts levels of needs which Individuals can meet, starting with very basic needs and moving up to more complex needs which individuals have to strive for in order to achieve. He argued that in order for an Inalvlaual to reacn selT-actuallsatlon at tne top 0T tne pyram10 tney neeaea to extend their thoughts and actions through problem solving, creativity and morality. There are a number of issues surrounding creativity as it can be interpreted differently when put into different contexts. The core areas of learning within education are now heavily assessment based and there is a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy, which is having a negative effect on creative pedagogy (Eaude, 2011). Within the teaching of core subjects there is very little time allocated to creative activities, instead the pedagogical focus is more on the acquisition of nowledge and facts Cones and Wyse, 2004). It could be argued that if teachers look beyond this structured approach to learning there is plenty of scope for fostering creativity in children’s learning within all areas of the curriculum. In the area of mathematics, children are taught specific skills and knowledge which they will need in order to achieve the level that they are expected to in accordance with the National Curriculum (DfEE, 1999). However, certain areas of mathematics involve a large amount of problem solving, which requires an individual to adapt their thinking n order to develop and discover how best to solve the problem at hand. Problem solving is seen as a creative process (Piggott, 2007). According to Cropley (2003, cited in Jones and Wyse, 2004) problem solving is intrinsic to creativity therefore the learner can be encouraged to use their creative thinking skills within the area of mathematics. On the other hand, children are often still given boundaries to work within, which again will stifle their chance to be creative or explore further possibilities. Creativity has been highlighted to be highly beneficial for children’s learning. Using creative methods of teaching can help to keep children engaged and motivated in their learning. Steiner (1861 – 1925 cited in Wood and Attfield, 2005) stated that within creative activities children become more engaged in their learning and therefore are more likely to learn from the activity that they were participating in. If children are provided with activities that they find captivating and interesting, they are more likely to actively participate, and therefore will gain something from the experiences that they encounter. In order for children’s creativity to flourish, within heir learning they need to be given a chance to do things for themselves (Wilson, 2008). Nickerson (1998 cited in Adams, 2005) suggested that allowing children to have a choice in the task that they are given enhances their creativity. Also the fact that they have chosen the activity for themselves means they will have more motivation to work towards their goals. If children can direct their own learning, by being given their own choices, they will use their current knowledge in a creative way to decide how best to approach the given task. Teaching mathematics in a creative way is seen by many teachers as a challenge. Mathematics is often regarded as a subject with set rules and structure; with right and wrong answers (Wilson, 2005). However, mathematics is not always recognised in it’s full capacity and can be present in areas which are not always deemed to be mathematically inclined, therefore making it a difficult subject to approach in a creatlve capaclty. Most teacners Delleve tnat matnematlcs snou10 De taugnt In a conventional and structured manner, although it could be argued that the reason for this is that teachers may not be confident enough to teach it any other way Cones and Wyse, 2004). Cropley (2001) would argue that conventional methods of teaching can have a negative effect on attitudes and motivation towards individuality as children may be encouraged to work in a certain way in order to logically work out the answers. In order to be creative within their teaching of mathematics, teachers need to provide children with opportunities in which they can extend their thinking and build on previous knowledge. It is often argued that creative mathematics is only accessible to the more able pupils, however it is possible to include all abilities. Furthermore, children of all bilities will always be willing to engage in mathematics creatively if they are given the opportunity. The DfES/QCA (1999) stated that mathematics as a creative discipline can stimulate exciting new achievements for learners and therefore teachers should facilitate all children’s learning by giving them a chance to engage creatively within the subject area. Introducing creative pedagogy in the area of mathematics can have a substantially positive effect on children’s development. Children who previously had little confidence within the subject can be taught different ways of dealing with athematical knowledge. Introducing children to different teaching methods and expanding mathematics using a cross-curricular approach will give children the opportunity to make comparisons and links between mathematics and other curriculum subjects (Cropley, 2001). The use of cross-curricular teaching will give the children the opportunity to partake in learning which links to a subject area that is of interest to them. Mathematics can help develop children’s thinking skills and it is important for children to be able to think creatively within all areas of the curriculum (Cropley, 2001). Within mathematics in particular children sometimes may need to think outside the box in order to discover the answers to what they are looking for. Mathematics can also be a chance for the involvement of abstract thinking skills as children learn to calculate mathematical sums cognitively. Mental arithmetic may be seen as something children commonly engage in, however they need to be able to deal with numbers and mathematics in an abstract context before they can fully develop these skills. Overall, the subject area of mathematics is much more widespread than is always recognised. The use of mathematics can be applied across he curriculum and within children’s every day life. Therefore it is essential to children’s educational development. The National Curriculum (DfEE, 1999) highlights the importance of fostering creativity while still ensuring that pupils gain the essential numeracy skills that they require. The National Curriculum suggests that all areas of the curriculum can be taught creatively, even the core subjects such as mathematics. A number of schools work towards the development of key skills which are outlined in the National Curriculum Handbook, while also including opportunities to be creative within mathematics NCSL, 2005). I ne Natlonal curriculum ) InTormea teacners tnat wltnln mathematics children should be taught to develop thinking skills, problem solving and learn to communicate mathematically. However this document focused more on the attainment of the children rather than the approaches that teachers could take in order to build upon these aspects using creative pedagogy. In 2000, the National Numeracy Strategy (DfE, 2000) was published in order to look at the teaching of mathematics in depth and to suggest to teachers ways in which they could incorporate better pedagogy within the area of mathematics. In his review, Williams (2008 cited in DSCF, 2008) looked at pedagogy for primary mathematics in the curriculum. He argued that in order for the content of a curriculum to be effective it must be partnered with excellent standards of teaching. He talked about developing positive attitudes towards the subject through delivering mathematics in interesting ways which will engage the learner. Through the use of creative pedagogy teachers can provide positive experiences which captivate the learner and therefore help them develop good attitudes towards the subject of mathematics. Similarly to Williams (2008 cited in DSCF, 2008), Ofsted (2010) drew parallels between the National Curriculum and creative approaches to teaching. They reported that children are more motivated by creative ways of learning, suggesting that providing experiences linked to the subject material within the National Curriculum, in which children can develop their creative learning, will in turn have a positive effect on their attitudes towards the subject. In conclusion, creativity is highly important within all aspects of the curriculum. Although it can be interpreted in different ways, this could have a positive effect as it llows for even more originality and diversity within teaching methods.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Adventurous Attitude was Characteristic of Roosevelt

â€Å"It is common sense to take a method and try it,† explained Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. â€Å"If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. † This adventurous attitude was characteristic of Roosevelt, who in his four terms as President, made boundless efforts to end the Depression of the 1930s, and to turn back the Axis Powers in World War II. Depression-stunned Americans first elected Roosevelt to office in 1932, after he promised them a new deal for American people. Roosevelt plunged into the Presidency determined to restore American confidence, because he felt that he national government had the final responsibility for the people†s welfare. Between March and June 1933, known as the First Hundred Days, Roosevelt easily persuaded Congress to create a series of New Deal agencies to combat the Depression. The agencies formed included the Civilian Conservation Corps, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Tennessee Valley Authority, Farm Security Administration, Home Owners Loan Corporation, and following months brought the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Also enacted during the First Hundred Days was legislation such as the Emergency Banking Relief Act, and the The Civilian Conservation Corps was created to put jobless young men to work in state forests and parks, planting trees, and constructing roads and erosion-control dams. At its peak, 500,000 men between the ages of 18 and 25 were put to work by the Corps, and a total of 2. 5 million had seen service The most pressing problem facing Roosevelt when he took office was to aid the 13 to 15 million unemployed workers and their families. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration was created and given a $500 million ppropriation to provide food and other necessities for the unemployed. FERA led to the creation of the Civil Works Administration, which put millions of unemployed workers back to work through $900 million worth of maintenance and repair of local facilities, such as schools, airports, and sewage systems. The CWA was soon absorbed by the Public Works Administration, which concentrated on construction and conservation projects. To improve the situation of the American farmer, Roosevelt set up the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, whose solution was to boost farmers† ncome by reducing the number of crops. Farmers who agreed to limit their output of staple crops were given payments by the Administration. As the supply of crops decreased, farm prices increased. In three years, farm income increased from $5. 6 billion to $8. 7 billion. The Tennessee Valley Authority was created to develop the largely untapped resources of the Tennessee River and its tributaries. The purpose of the TVA was to control the river†s destructive flood waters, improve its navigational facilities, and produce low-cost electrical power for the surrounding area. Flood waters were contained through the construction of 32 dams, which opened up large tracts of land for agricultural and industrial use. Cargo shipping was increased by over 70 times the previous amount through constructing locks in 9 dams, which enlarged and deepened the channel, and encouraged the construction of port facilities. The TVA has also conducted an effective forestry program, replanting eroded timberland, and exploring new methods of fire prevention and forest management. The Great Depression caused more than two-fifths of the nation†s farmers o lose their farms, and become tenant farmers. To halt the decline in farm ownership, the Farm Security Administration was set up to provide low-interest, long-term loans that would enable tenant farmers to buy and operate their own farms and retire worn out land from use. The FSA also regulated the wages and hours of migrant workers, and helped nearly 40,000 Many homeowners were threatened with foreclosure as the Great Depression wore on, and the Home Owners Loan Corporation was established to help. The HOLC was authorized to use $3 billion in bonds which were exchanged for ortgages, which were then converted into monthly installments over 15 years at low interest rates. About 1 million homeowners were given financial aid, on approximately 20% of all urban dwellings. To enforce the Truth-in Securities Act, which required that all stocks and bonds offered for public sale be registered with the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission was established. Set up to stop an economic depression from occurring again, the SEC was empowered to license all stock exchanges and regulate the manner in which securities were The Emergency Banking Relief Act confirmed the President†s right to close banks, setting standards for their reopening, and giving the President broad powers over the nation†s money and banking systems. Banks began to reopen under strict new regulations and government supervision, and the export of gold was prohibited, and the US was taken off the international Gold Standard. The act soon led to basic reforms of the banking system. The National Industrial Recovery Act suspended anti-trust laws, permitting firms to ease competition by rationing production and making price greements. In exchange, they promised to improve working conditions, reduce the work week, abolish child labor, and guarantee the right of their employees to organize and bargain collectively. Tailored to meet an immediate crisis, these early New Deal actions, though failing to end the economic slump, greatly eased the burdens of farmers, workers, and industrialists. A series of Supreme Court decisions that struck down the AAA and the NIRA led Roosevelt to launch a Second New Deal, which included the Social Security Act, Wagner Act, and set up the Works Many older Americans saw their life savings wiped out during the Great Depression, and were forced to rely on their children for support. To alleviate the burden of the family, and to provide a measure of security for the unemployed and their families, the Social Security Act was passed. The Act provided survivors† and disability insurance, public assistance, unemployment insurance, and old age retirement insurance. Various welfare measures were also mandated such as aid to dependent children, and aid to The Wagner Act gave Congress jurisdiction over the labor practices of mployers engaged in interstate commerce. The Act upheld the workers† rights to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. Under the Act, the National Labor Relations Board was established to deal with charges of unfair labor practices and to issue cease and desist orders. The number of unionized workers grew rapidly from 3. 5 million to about 15 million in the first years of the Wagner Act. The purpose of the Works Progress Administration was to reduce dependence on private charity and federal, state, and local relief by putting eople to work on a variety of needed projects. Over 8. million individuals were put to work on over 1. 4 million individual projects, including building schools, hospitals, and post offices. Hundreds of artists and writers also found work under the Federal Arts Program, which was created by the WPA. The last major reform of the New Deal was the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. The Act abolished child labor, and provided for an initial minimum wage of 25 cents an hour and a maximum workweek of 44 hours. Hourly wages were gradually lifted to 40 cents and the workweek reduced to 40 hours, with ime and a half pay for overtime. These controls applied only to firms engaged in interstate commerce, and affected nearly 2 million workers. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal committed the federal government to act forcefully to prevent future economic disasters through direct intervention in virtually every aspect of economic life-from agricultural prices to the workings of the stock exchange. The New Deal energized the labor movement, and so swelled the number of people in the Democratic Party that it remained the nation†s major political party for several decades.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Expository Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Expository Writing - Assignment Example According to research conducted, students taking such a short intensive course are better equipped to handle the work at hand because they get first hand concentration and attention by the teachers and instructors and thus are able to recall their work as well as revise and learn better. â€Å"Concentrating classroom time in the intensive course enhances group cohesion, showing a significantly higher degree of group-building communication by peers in relation to group-building communication by the teacher than in the standard format course.† (Takeda, H) However, at the same time, disadvantages like less retention of information over a long period of time have been shown with students pursuing such intensive courses. Furthermore, there is a great amount of pressure on the student as well as the instructor in order to complete the syllabus on time. Thus, in order to counter such pressure, a number of tips have also been provided within the article which has proven to be quite ha ndy, like creating a classroom rapport and having the students focus on a single class rather than taking too many subjects at once. As per popularity, the use of such a short intensive will continue into the future and tips like grading quickly, assessing teachers, and following drop date approaches all help to get the studying done in an exceptional manner for the students. Assignment 2: The topic for research for the second assignment is â€Å"Leadership.† This topic will help me to write and understand articles on the basis of how leadership plays a vital role in any business organization and how it helps greatly in achieving the organisational goals. With the help of articles on the basis of motivation, skill and perseverance, leadership can be understood as the key tool in the formation and running of any company or firm. Various sources ranging from published works by renowned companies as well as historical texts written on how leadership was used in various ways to m otivate and instil a sense of affiliation as well as pride within the people working under or serving great leaders. Assignment 3: RESEARCH TOPIC: LEADERSHIP Source Definitions/ key terms Focus of study (subjects, participants, type of college, purpose of study) Methodology Findings Personal reflections Seltzer, J. (1990). Transformational Leadership: Beyond Initiation and Consideration.  Journal of Management,  16(4) Leadership, management The main focus of study within this article was to find information regarding transformational leadership and how the same has helped in understanding leadership effectiveness and satisfaction in variants of subordinates. The research that was gathered used analysis using subordinates and statistics to find out information regarding transformational leadership. This article has made use of leader ratings by one subordinate and outcome ratings by a second subordinate, largely confirms the augmentation effect that has been talked about within t he article with the help of leadership attributes. There was disconfirmation for the effect on reported extra effort, suggesting that the relation of transformational leadership to subordinate's extra effort is a dyadic rather than a group effect. This article was

Friday, September 27, 2019

Duke Ellington Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Duke Ellington - Research Paper Example This brief paper will examine the life and legacy of Duke Ellington. Let us begin with some well known facts about Mr. Ellington. He was born in Washington D.C. on April 29, 1899. Unlike many black composers of his time, Duke Ellington did not grow up in poverty. Rather, he was raised in a middle-class area of Washington D.C. by two involved and seemingly loving parents. In fact, his parents were talented musicians as well, which lends credence to the saying ‘like father like son’. Naturally, Duke’s father encouraged him to learn to play various instruments from an early age. It is noted that, by the age of 7, he was already learning and getting quite good at the piano (Unger 75). As the story goes, the name ‘Duke’ was bestowed upon him because he was such a gentleman in all that he did, even from an early age. His parents encouraged him to work when he was a teenager, which he did, but his first passion was always music. It is well known that his fir st published song was wrote while he was working at a soda fountain in the D.C. era. The song ‘Soda Fountain Rag’ was written at the age of 15 and was noticed by many people in the area as the song that got Duke noticed. He was so musically inclined that he was offered a scholarship at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. As appealing as that was to him, and with his parent’s blessings, he passed it up to begin playing professional as a jazz musician when he was only 17 years of age (Unger 75). As the reader can already ascertain, Duke Ellington began to shape his legacy at an early age. He was raised properly by parents who nurtured him and helped him to foster his own love and passion for music. People in the D.C. area quickly figured out that they might have a child protege on his hands. He began to form ‘big bands’, which was something new in American culture. These bands uplifted and encouraged others. As his career stretched into the early 30â€⠄¢s, Americans needed some joy in their lives, and Mr. Duke Ellington and his band often provided this. He eventually formed a 10-piece ensemble, which is still a model for jazz bands today. Ellington, however, did not want to create normal, everyday music. Rather, he sought out to redefine jazz music. This was represented in the band members that he chose. He did not, for example, just set out to recruit any gifted saxophonist. Instead, he sought out a saxophonist who had a unique sound that the world had not yet encountered. As he formed his band, he ended up with a group of the most talented musicians, all performing together, and they quickly got noticed on a global scale. In fact, in the 1930’s, his band toured the continent of Europe on two separate occasions. This was something that was extremely rare during those days. This has furthered his legacy as, to this day, Duke Ellington and his band are not just remembered in American social circles, but he remains popular t hroughout Europe as well. Duke Ellington is known as a great pianist, band leader, and composer. His mark on the music world is assured. Beyond that, however, he as adored by millions as a genuinely good person. If he had a girlfriend before he met his wife, we are not privy to it. He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart when

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Problem-solving proposals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Problem-solving proposals - Essay Example These problems can be attributed to the actions and strategies instituted by all the previous CEOs (â€Å"Worst of 2012†). This topic is interesting as it gives an outlook on some of the important management issues relating to the business operations in the current business environment. Businesses need to make the relevant management changes to cope with the challenges in the internal environment including employee motivation and external environment such as increasing competition and dynamic customer demands. It is clear that there is lack of stability in the leadership, and this has made it complex for the company to maintain consistency in the company. It has been noted that each CEO has instituted more dramatic strategies than their predecessors, which have led to substantial changes in the company’s direction. The HP case study is one of a kind and has valuable lessons to managers and business students worldwide. Statement of the Problem Over the past few years, HP has lost approximately three quarters of their value, and this can be observed from its performance in the stock market (â€Å"Worst of 2012†). Any efforts to turn around the company’s deteriorating performance have proven to be futile. In the past ten years, the company has made efforts to transform its leadership and has lurched from one approach to another and recruited highly skilled leaders to amend the daunting problem of poor management. In 1999, the company brought on board Carly Fiorina whose main strategy focused on repositioning the company by taking the customers’ needs into account (â€Å"Worst of 2012†). It was under her leadership that the company made one of the most detrimental moves by entering into a merger with one of HP’s archrivals, Compaq. This was aimed at improving speed in preparation for the advent of the Internet era’ however, the strategy failed to meet the set objectives. HP then recruited Mark Hurd in 2005 to deal with the issue of decreasing profitably (â€Å"Worst of 2012†). The company experienced immense growth and increased revenues under the leadership of Mark Hurd. However, this was short lived in 2010 when he was suddenly suspended over sexual harassment allegations (â€Å"Worst of 2012†). This led to an upfront challenge to his predecessor as he would have to live up to Hurd’s exemplary reputation. The company then outsourced Leo Apotheker who worked at a Germany-based software company. Apotheker focused too much on software development and worked at the company for a short time (â€Å"Worst of 2012†). Currently, the company is under the leadership of Meg Whitman who is working tirelessly to solve the problems at HP. The third quarter earnings reveal that the company is not doing so well; however, Meg Whitman retorts that there are a lot of areas that need fixing. She claims that the company is at the initial stages of its take-off. Conversely, financ ial analysts are skeptical about this and argue that it could be a repeat of what has happened with predecessors. She states that HP is facing three major challenges including execution of proposed strategies, industry trends as well as macroeconomic problems. Presently, the company has a market capitalization of 46.92 B, revenue of 115.57 B, EPS – 6. 85 and from the PE ratio we can conclude that the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Comparison of ASUS and HP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparison of ASUS and HP - Coursework Example Recently Hp has launched its Slate 500 Tablet PC which is the product which would evolve the electronic world forever; the perfect substitute for the large desktops and a more stylish and trendy substitute for a laptop. Its multi touch display can browse spread sheets , applications , documents and so much more and now comes with a pen to write on your screen which makes it all the more easier to write and edges it closer to perfection . It includes 2 cameras, the first a VGA camera for web conferencing and the other a three megapixel camera to take still shots and it comes with accessories such as a keyboard, mouse and a printer. So technically we fit a whole desktop into a tiny 8.9 inch screen (Crocker, 2010). Meanwhile ASUSTeK Computer Incorporated is a multinational computer product manufacturer; traditionally Chinese in origin and ASUS also produces components for other companies which also include HP. ASUS has been included in "InfoTech 100" and "Asia’s Top 10 IT Companies" and has a total brand value of US$1.324 billion The Slate 500 Tablet PC now sees a competitor in the face on ASUS's Eee Pad Transformer TF101. The Eee Pad comes with a more powerful 2.1 GHz processor and but has an in built memory of 1 Gb in contrast to the 2 Gb provided by the 500 Tablet PC and a. The Eee Pad also has better quality cameras with a 5 mega pixel and a 1.3 mp video conferencing camera and has a superior battery life. There are also various differences in the specification of both the products but perhaps the most startling one is that of the price, The Eee Pad Transformer TF101 supposed to be cheaper than the HP Slate 500 Tablet PC by at least a hundred and fifty dollars (Gadgetian, web). The HP slate comes at 799$ which includes all accessories which targets a more upper-class audience so the focus is more on brand loyalty and product image than that to see elasticity of demand . The demand for the product should be inelastic but considering the fact that Transformer TF101 can be bought for a starting price of $ 3 99, the only advantage HP has in the international computers market is that of a superior brand image. Product The  ASUS Eee Pad Transformer is at the end of the Introduction stage but has quickly moved on to the growth stage. This can be largely attributed to the market penetration pricing that the    used which resulted in more than five hundred thousand pieces being sold in a couple of months and due to the product being in the growth stage the demand is still increasing to quite a large extent .    While the HP Slate 500 Tablet PC was launched at around proximity of six months, it may not have accomplished the point in the growth stage that the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer has. The product has recently been introduced and due to its low prices the product has been an instant hit and has seen increasing sales ever since. The other more notable difference is that the Transformer is using more widespread extension strategies to increase the extent of the growth stage and they see m to be working as the predicted sales are increasing by the day. The only reason why the Tablet PC is still in the growth stage is due to its superior brand image, but it can only do so for so long. HP faces the risk of its product reaching the saturation / maturity stage more quickly than desired as undesirable reviews and cheaper substitutes have seen the products credibility decrease. This problem lies only with Hewlett-Packet and ASUS have been smart enough to understand the problem and the product is at the most desirable and profitable stage of the Product life

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Relationship between Rationality of Investors and Market Essay

The Relationship between Rationality of Investors and Market Efficiency - Essay Example In an efficient market, significant information is freely accessible to all participants. Researchers argue that with the current availability and utilization of complicated modeling in capital markets and with substantiality superior revelation and analysis, superior approximations of returns may be made by expert investors (Keim & Ziemba, 2000, p. 255). These computations of returns approximations are possible where there are efficient market mechanisms. Therefore, there is a positive relationship between market efficiency and rationality of investors. (Jones, 2009, p. 329).The Efficient Market Hypothesis   In 1900, Louis Bachelier developed hypotheses of investment payoffs. Keim & Ziemba The Efficient Market Hypothesis is one of these theories of investment payoffs. The Efficient Market Hypothesis hypothesizes that, at any given time, equity prices fully replicate all accessible information. The propositions of the efficient marketplace hypothesis are profound (Fama, 1995, p. 4) . Most traders who sell and buy equities do these under the postulation that the equities they are selling are worth below the selling price while equities they are purchasing are worth in excess of the price that they are disbursing. However, if there is an efficient market and current prices fully replicate all information, then selling and purchasing in an endeavor to outperform the marketplace will efficiently be a game possibility rather than expertise (Jones, 2009, p. 329).... 5) notes, Simon suggested three ways which a resolution maker can endeavor to optimize their returns. First, using max-min rule of the game theory, every investor deems the worst possible result for every investment and builds a portfolio, which will generate the biggest value when made up of a mixture of these minimum values. However, it is worth noting that there is no rational investor who would select securities, given that the worst likely result for equities is loss. Secondly, an investor can build a mixture of investment alternatives where the likelihood of every outcome is maximized. The combination of these investment alternatives will depend of the risk profile of every portfolio. Jones (2009, p. 325) observes that investment risk is positively related to the returns of that investment, implying that the investment with high risks generates higher returns. Rational investors will undertake investments which correspond to their risk tolerance categories. Thirdly, Simon visua lizes the investor selecting one entire portfolio from a set of alternatives which will maximize the value. This may be selecting a portfolio containing bonds only, equities only, from accessible investment alternatives. Simon deems that the complexity of computation in relation to real human choice circumstances is beyond the average investor; however, with market efficiency these calculations can be performed. In an efficient market, significant information is freely accessible to all participants. Researchers argue that with the current availability and utilization of complicated modeling in capital markets and with substantiality superior revelation and analysis, superior approximations of returns may be made by expert investors (Keim & Ziemba, 2000, p. 255). These

Monday, September 23, 2019

UK Music Retailers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

UK Music Retailers - Assignment Example Businesses operating in any industry are bound to experience changing fortunes in so far as trade is concerned. There are several forces that play in the economy thus influencing the fate of each of the entities in a given sector. With this in mind, it is the sole responsibility for individual business organizations to examine factors within their environment and identify the interventions to keep it competitive. I further use interaction matrix to analyze how the business has changed over time. Finally, I conclude by comparing two players in this music sector and offer some appropriate recommendations. Just like in any other economy of the world, the UK economy also suffers from quite a number of challenges. Being an important component of the economy, UK retailers have not been spared from the difficult moments that occasionally characterize the economy. Therefore, some traditional UK retailers such as music retailers who deal with the selling of music CD and VCD have been critically affected. In the past few years, some famous music retailers went bankrupt one after another. Cases in point include the Towers, KPS, and Virgin. Whilst some of the aforementioned retailers were troubled by the market changes, the likes of Find-CD, which is an online music company, were flourishing (Traynor, 2013). According to the findings of Traynor (2013) in his research, nearly 140 music retailers are prone to the perilous economic period in the near future. A case in point is the HMV music retailer. HMV is credited for having been one of the longest-serving players in the music industry with a history of music retailing of approximately 91 years. It deals with the sale of CDs/DVDs containing music, movies, or video games.  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

British Airways Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

British Airways - Essay Example The concept of organizations developing to global citizenship has been developed in the recent past to ensure that organizations have an input on the societies they are in. Usually, the main purpose of why an organization exists is to make profit for the shareholders. However, this is not all, organizations are obliged to take care of the people that sustain it in different aspects ion order to have a corporate social responsibility. Therefore, according to the World Economic Forum, corporate global citizenship refers to the adoption of real and lasting contributions by a corporate body to societies apart from making profits for the shareholders. The organization should be able to take care of the stakeholders at all levels, these includes the customers, the suppliers, the community in which they operate, aid organizations and governments. It is becoming clear that the act of corporate global citizenship is becoming a corporate norm. The organizations have been under intense pressure to comply with the community expectations ad at the same time remain profitable, the pressure may not be direct but it is evident. This concept has in the recent years shifted from the acts of philanthropy, public relations or legal compliance to become more of a corporate strategy with an aim of creating a corporate name for the organization driven by values. It is therefore necessary for companies to adhere to these provisions in order to maintain not only a corporate image but also a social image that demonstrates to the world that the organization has an input. A company that is a good global citizen should be capable of participating in community development as well as supporting the government through developments. (Nelson, 2005).. Such a company should be able to devote its resources in developing the community around them; this ca n be majorly done through initiation of projects and programs that facilitate development. Global Citizenship Policy of British Airways The airline has reached the community in several different ways. Firstly, they have developed a charitable affiliation called Flying Start that is a joint initiative with Comic Relief. The main purpose of the aid organization is to help children undergoing through hard times across the world. The organization has left a big mark in the lives of many children and their families all around the globe. The second initiative is the establishment of a Community Learning Centre, which was opened around 1999 and has seen more than seventy eight thousand people get training (British Airways 2012). The centre has focused on training the community on information and communication technology, environmental education, language trainings, and customer service among others. The airline has also been on the forefront in supporting charitable organizations both loca lly and internationally, so far they have reached out in support for over forty organizations. One major and recurring impact has been through Dream Flight, which takes seriously ill children and disabled from the United Kingdom for a vacation to Orlando, United States. There is support accorded to street children through a program called Railway Children, several children found in the streets and especially those who live on railway platforms in the United Kingdom have benefited. The airline goes beyond to take care of the wild life through the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust that takes care of orphaned wildlife in Kenya; the initiative has played a critical role in the conservation of elephants (British Airways 2012). British Airways has developed a number of partnerships with the community where they have an input in the development both within the United Kingdom and within other countries. The major areas that the airline has focused on include, in education and youth development , colleague engagements, conservation and emergencies. The staff is very instrumental in providing

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Poland Springs Advertisement Campaign Failure Essay Example for Free

Poland Springs Advertisement Campaign Failure Essay Poland Spring’s recent advertisement puts its viewers in a serene natural environment; a nice sunny day overlooking a crystal clear spring on a green field. In the center of this field is a giant plastic bottle, one that is â€Å"environmentally friendly.† The bottle is praised and pointed out for using â€Å"less plastic,† â€Å"less paper,† and the very important â€Å"dye-free cap.† The bottle is called the â€Å"Eco-Shaped bottle† and is designed to have less impact on the earth. The entire scene is under the giant caption that tells of how Poland Spring is doing â€Å"less† to the environment. The company is selling water in a disposable plastic bottle yet the advertisement seems to be trying to convince people that by consuming their disposable product they are some how helping the environment; that because they drink Poland Spring water they are doing â€Å"less to the environment. This advertising strategy however is not uncommon. According to Julia B. Corbett â€Å" ‘green advertising’ has focused on ads that promote environmental sensitivity toward†¦ a corporate image of environmental sensitivity† (Corbett 148). The recent ad campaign may seen to be about Poland Spring’s new â€Å"Eco-Shaped† bottle, but it is really about diverting attention from the pollution the bottle generates to instead creating a pro-environmental view of the company and its product. The Eco-Shaped bottle by Poland Spring is marketed with a few selling points the company points out directly in their advertisement. The bottle uses â€Å"30% less plastic†, â€Å"less paper† and a â€Å"dye-free cap†. These improvements are  better for the environment then the original bottle used by Poland Spring. However the problem lies in the fact that the product is still harmful to the environment. Last time I checked less of a bad thing is still a bad thing. According a recent article by Hope Molinaro, the California Department of Conservation (CDOC) stated, â€Å"in California, more than a billion plastic water bottles wind up in the trash each year† and that total is only the amount of bottles in the state of California (Molinaro, 64). The total amount equates to 3 million empty water bottles per day disposed of in just one state (Molinaro, 64). That large amount of plastic has many detrimental effects to the environment. The materials used to make the bottles consist of a tremendous amount of resources and are difficult to dispose of if not recycled. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence to make the claim that a good portion of the plastic bottle waste generated in the United States is produced by the Poland Spring Company. Not only is the plastic filling our landfills, but there is evidence that the water bottle company is polluting its own town. According to a 2008 study of pollution demographics of Androscoggin County in Maine, where Poland Spring’s headquarters is located, the particulate matter is 62% higher there than the United States average (Unknown). It’s also 61% higher then the state of Maine’s average particulate matter found (Unknown). Particulate matter is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets. Particle pollution is made up of a number of components, including acids (such as nitrates and sulfates), organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles. Poland Spring’s advertisement does not show any of this particulate matter when depicting how green and lush the springs it gets its water from are. One aspect of the Poland Spring’s advertisement that I find different and contradictory to traditional green thinking is that in the ad the plastic Poland Spring water bottle, is shown in nature. Normally when a plastic water bottle is found laying in a field or any natural setting for that matter, it is viewed upon as pollution. In this ad the bottle is sitting in nature and is supposed to be appealing to the human eye. The bottle is shown in a way that it blends into the natural setting and tries to convince people that it almost belongs there, in the midst of nature; that the  unnatural belongs with the natural. It is easy to relate the bottle as being positive to the environment however as it blends in with the incredible sunrise in the background on a beautiful day with a clear sky. The bottle is featured sitting in a field where the growth of the field is doing outstanding and there is not one dead or even one imperfectly grown plant. The land is doing so well it is almost portrayed as being happy and at peace with a giant, unnatural, plastic water bottle sticking out of it. This scene does not just occur in the ad however as pollution is a huge issue when there is a â€Å"disposable† factor to the product. A second contradiction in the ad is that Poland Spring is a water bottle company whose ad features more lush, green field then the body of water in which their product comes from. The ad is trying to make the product fall into the American consumers mind as a green product hence the green field is more affective then a view of the lake or spring containing the water Poland Spring is selling. Poland Spring is really trying to hammer in the point that it’s product is green and eco-friendly, and the more green in the picture the more green the consumer sees. Contradiction number three this ad uses is the slogan that titles it. In the current green revolution sweeping across America the constant theme is doing more for the environment. Under Poland Springs fancy, flower-laden font reads the words â€Å"doing less†. This is a clear indication that Poland Spring is not being beneficial to the environment by saying they are â€Å"doing less† harm to the planet we live on. Over the serene sunset, over laying the clear blue sky, and lush green field, lies an admission of pollution and guilt by the company. Poland Spring’s methods however are not so uncommon in today’s advertising market. Many advertising campaigns are seen now featuring nature in one way or another and one of the more common ways to do this is through and advertisements backdrop. According to Julia B. Corbett, â€Å"Using nature merely as a backdrop whether in the form of wild animals, mountain vistas or sparkling rivers-is the most common use of the natural world in advertisements.† (Corbett 150) So when Poland Spring sets it’s water bottle in the green field, with little purple flowers swaying in the wind, the peaceful sunset over looking the bluest clear sky the world has to offer,  followed by beautiful green hills rolling off to the distance there is a purpose to it. The purpose according to Julia could be that the company is trying to promote a â€Å"corporate image of environmental responsibility.†(Corbett 148) This is very well one if not the main initiative of the advertisement and it is even so less of an advertisement as it is a rebuttal. Recently, as our country starts to become more â€Å"green† and environmentally aware, there has been some recent campaigns against the consumption of bottled water. One major campaign against bottled water has been â€Å"Think outside the bottle†. Even the mayor of Miami, Manny Diaz along with a dozen or so mayors, is calling on municipal governments to phase out bottled-water purchases in a resolution to be presented at the U.S. Mayors Conference (Barnes). Poland Spring is trying to distract the average consumer from believing the hype that the bottle are bad for the environment and tries to prove that they are doing something about it. Poland Spring’s advertisement is focusing on green aspects of its product and is trying to make the company appear to have a green initiative, however the Poland Spring’s target audience is not the hardcore environmentalist. Any person who puts some research into what they buy and cares about the environment is going to know that consumption of disposable plastic water bottles is not going to help the environment. The ad however does target the average consumer who does sort of care about the environment but does not research into what they consume. A consumer might see the recent anti-water bottle campaigns and generate a negative view of the disposable, plastic water bottles that Poland Spring sells. That is why Poland Spring’s ad was created in the first place, to turn the average consumer’s view of the water bottle and the Poland Spring Company from a negative one to a positive one. In times of environmental awareness that the United States is currently facing, many unenvironmentally friendly companies are finding it harder and harder to promote sales for their products. Poland Spring is no different in that respect but tries a different approach that is gaining in popularity, green advertising. Poland Spring uses nature to show a pristine and beautiful backdrop for their hazardous product. The ad is focusing on deterring the public’s view of Poland Spring from environmentally damaging  to environmentally caring. As shady and undermining the ad is to not only the people but the earth its self, the ad creates a pro-environmental image of a company that does not practice what is preaches. Works Cited Barnes, Tayler. Anti Bottled Water Campaign Enlists Mayors to Cause. Corporate Accountability International. Miami Herald. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. Corbett, Julia B. †Faint†Green: Advertising and the Natural World.† Communicating Nature: How We Create and Understand Environmental Messages. Island, 2005. Web. Molinaro, Hope. Plastic Water Bottles Go to Waste, Says Calif. Conservation Agency. Plastics Engineering 59.7 (2003): 64-. ProQuest Research Library. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. Unknown. Poland Spring Pollution Indexes. Raw data. Androscoggin County.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects of family arrangements on child development

Effects of family arrangements on child development Describe cultural variations in family arrangements and critically examine psychological research on the effects of these family arrangements on childrens development. Marriage is the basis of households that are formed; a neolocal household consists of a married couple creating a new home. One main family type arrangement is the nuclear family. Lee (1987) this arrangement consists of three main positions. The members being within the household sets a presence, so the number of members does not make a nuclear family more compelling. In a patrilocal family, the new couple join the house of the husband and form a new home. In a matrilocal family the home is set up in the wifes birth home. Matri and Partilocal families are also extended/joint families; this is where members of different generations also live in the house. The older generations uphold a power role and are highly respected. The joint/ extended families usually consist of three or more generations in one house. However, there are non- residential extended families this arrangement is where they live near to the home and communal activities and eat with the other household. Extended family arrangements has its advantages such as being supportive in hard times, however there are disadvantages such as them becoming interfering in the independence and restrict the other younger members life Goodwin, Adatia et al 1997. Family structures are mostly dependant on social and economic circumstances as well as cultural values. Joint families are more likely to see having a bigger family as an important source of secure labour and importance. This is mostly deemed to be important when the wage labour is not the principal economic form. A hierarchical and authoritarian structure is often developed gradually within a joint family structure; this is in order to operate in a smooth manner, and to stress obedience and respect for authority and family reputation. Stropes-Roe and Cochrane, 1989. Extended family living situations have often been exaggerated; this was noticed by Goode 1963, when he researched family systems. An example of this is from family structures in China, whereby the family structure was under attack as the newer generations saw this structure within the household as a negative issue, as they stated that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.the traditional family is being wiped out without being replacedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Levy 1949. In the rural areas of China the extended family arrangement is becoming extinct, as the census revealed that the nuclear family is becoming a more common arrangement, reasons for this change may stem from economical reasons, as high mortality rates have increased in the poorer regions due to financial issues which made it difficult for families to extend their homes to accommodate for more people. However, as this change was occurring in China a new form of living developed, this was known the stem family. Stem families consist of parents, their unmarried children and one married child with a partner and children. This arrangement suited children living with their parents due to the lack of housing made available to new buyers and the newly married couple may take advantage of the free accommodation whilst saving to buy further accommodation and the babysitting facilities whilst both parents attend to work. However, instead of contributing more to the elders within an extended family, the young would now benefit more and taking more than they are returning Tsui 1989. This shows that Chinese families can adapt very well in order to suit the socio-political conditions and the environment within the modern family. Overall this demonstrates the functional value of family which is to provide solidarity and material support in difficult times Yang 1988. Also like China the extended family arrangement is rare and only dominant amongst large landowners as they are able to support their large families. Research carried out from Al-Thakeb 1985 found that the extended family has never been the main family structure amongst families living in Arab cultures. This was found by studying nine different Arab countries. Although Al-Thakeb stated that the extended family has never been the main family form in Arab cultures. Due to the family being an independent wedded family this does not mean that the family bonds are weak. As in Arab countries it has been known that the relationship between family members is strong, due to living in close areas to their brothers and sisters, so this arrangement has its rewards as economic cooperation and emotional support is available for the family members. Within the Iran households, housing is a major problem which results in extended families being reduced in size, whilst intensive migration among the rural population has led to the weakening of larger household groups. In turn has led to the separation of extended families, whereby new couples leave their parents and form their own household separately. Meanwhile in Japan a different concept has been applied within household arrangements. The Japanese family structure is like the American family household arrangement; a nuclear setting. Economical reasons are adapted within families here as well, as the retired parents are more likely to live with their children due to economic reasons. However due to many cultural variations in family arrangements, childrens development in society may differ; although there are some similarities as well. The difference in how parents socialise with their children, affects the childs socialisation on childrens development. There are many different parenting styles that are adopted. Steinberg et al 1989 put forward suggestions of three different parenting styles. The first one being psychological autonomy which is the degree to which parents encourage their children to be independent. The second description is parental involvement this is where parents are actively involved in their childs lives. Lastly, the third style is behavioural control this is measured by the degree of how much the parents try to control their childs behaviour and activities. There are two main types of societies within cultures, one being collectivist: this is where the society is involved with the communitys life. The community encourages obedience to authority. In collectivist societies obligation is highly ritualised. The family arrangements that tend to stem from these societies are extended/ joint families mainly. On the other hand there are individualistic societies whereby children are encouraged to develop their own opinions. The family arrangement that mainly stems from this society is the nuclear family. Research into comparing the different societys views on parental upbringing. Larano 1997 conducted research in Canada. Children from different ethnic minorities a list of individualistic and collectivist activities and a parental monitoring scale. The results found showed that collectivist children perceived their parents as being more controlling and less involved with them than individualistic children. This research suggests that the childre n may have come to these conclusions as they live a particular life, for example if a child lived the collectivist extended family life, then it could be argued that the child may perceive the other way of doing things as the better way as it differs from the norm they have to abide by. In China there is continuing evidence for strong parental nurturance and support even when the child has grown up, although the Chinese parenting style is largely authoritarian and involves high levels of regulation from parents in order to ensure proper behaviour. This doesnt mean that children fail to develop autonomy, but may mean that they do so at a later age than children in the more individualistic cultures was found by Schneider et al 1997. One comparison that has been made into the difference between how a child is brought up in cultural difference within families is between Japanese and Israeli families. In Japan children are strongly bonded to their families, with the Japanese mother keen to harmonise her needs with those of her child, which shows the family arrangement between mother and child to be an important one, with the child growing up with a close bond with its mother. Japanese children are constantly in contact with their mothers and are rarely left alone Tobin 1992. Babies are often carried around on their mothers backs and there is a constant non-verbal interaction between parent and child. In comparison the Israeli mothers put forward a more independent upbringing style, and favour the idea of children being independent and self sufficient. As a result of this the Israeli mother may encourage the child ability to be alone as an example of their childs emotional independence, while the Japanese mother may value the child development of social relationships. In Britain different ethnic groups have different attitudes towards the socialisation of their children and their development. Asian families tend to be based with an extended family arrangement. Asian families and in particular Muslim, parents are highly protective of their daughters, fearing British societys drugs problems and its undue emphasis on sex Singh Ghuman 1994. In some cultures polygamous marriages are accepted, this is where a person may be married to more than one partner. On the other hand in most cultures monogamous families are more commonly recognised; one single partner. However, it would raise the question as to whether such a family arrangement affects the development of children Alean Al-Krenawi et al investigated this matter. 146 participants were involved in the study; they consisted of children who were involved in either polygamous family or a monogamous family. The children were tested through a questionnaire which was later analysed. The children from monogamous families had higher levels of learning achievement than the children from polygamous families, which in turn meant that the monogamous children adjusted to school framework better, unlike the polygamous children as much. This shows that these children suffer a disadvantage from living within such a large family, as they experience an overall educational disadvantage and social difficulties as well. The Results also showed that the conflict rating of the children from a large family background; polygamous had a higher rating. It was also found that the fathers level of education tended to be inversely correlated with family size in terms of both number of children and number of wives. These results show that due to these learning difficulties children are faced from living in such situations, that now the teachers my become aware of such problems, as it may be assumed that children from polygamous families may drop out of school early, and may be more at risk of falling for bad habits such as drugs and theft. It was stated that the problem should be overcome by focussing on the recognition of polygamy as a particular risk factor, along with the expectation that over time higher levels of paternal education may well lead to smaller families and more attention to the emotional and social needs of the children. Due to the findings issues within the polygamous families such as tension caused from other wives and step siblings, could be worked on, as it may be an issue affecting the childrens development. It could be argued that the wives could perhaps be encouraged to perceive one another as partners rather than opponents, and in turn the half siblings could also foll ow this principle to help improve the overall family relationship within the household. However there are limitations to this research such as, individual differences have not been considered as some children may just not be very into school life, and that the failure to achieve well isnt to do with the family arrangement at home. Another limitation is that the polygamous families that were researched only had two wives, so it cannot be widely generalised to polygamous families as they differ in sizes, therefore it cannot be stated that even larger polygamous families have a bigger affect on childrens development. A further limitation is that the study was based on a sample of one race, which again makes it harder to generalise the results to other races. With all these limitations it must not be forgotten that the research still shows us that living arrangements and differences such as monogamous and polygamous families do impact the children educational development at school to some extent. Nuclear and extended families affect childrens development as some research has suggested that these living arrangements may cause some psychological stress in childhood. An examination of lifestyles within the inner cities of non-industrial countries highlights the changes in family life this was noted by Abdel Rahim Cederblad, 1980 An example of this is from Sudan families as they traditionally consist of three or more generations, with siblings living side by side and sharing domestic duties and economic responsibilities. Marriages occur early and are arranged by parents; they are frequently between cousins or other family relations Abdelrahman Morgan, 1987.Authority in these extended households usually rests with the grandfather. The grandmother plays a central role in child care and the transmission of cultural identity to her grandchildren. In turn, the extended family is embedded within the wider communal structure of the tribe. This type of social structure encourages conformity to standards of conduct which are seen to be acceptable according to tradition and so promotes social stability. At the same time, gives a sense of communal responsibility for the upbringing of children. Up until the age of weaning a mother has the main responsibility for care. After weaning the responsibility for care and discip line is shared within both the immediate family, and to a lesser extent among the other responsible adults living with the immediate family. In the research conducted by Abdel Rahim Cederblad, 1980 the relation between emotional and social development and family structure in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, was examined. Children between the ages of 4 and 9 living in extended and nuclear families were compared on mothers ratings of a range of childhood problems. Analysis revealed that children in nuclear families had more conduct, emotional, and sleep problems, poorer self-care, and were more likely to be over dependent than those living in extended families. They were also less likely to be breast fed, to be weaned later, and to have grandmothers involved in child care. Linear multiple regression revealed that, of these 3 childcare factors, grandmothers involvement was the strongest predictor of normal social and emotional adjustment. The possible protective characteristics of the extended family are discussed in relation to the importance of the grandmother as maternal advisor, social support, and socialization agent. However this research does face some limitations such as results of the study may be influenced by factors not studied here. First, it is possible that mothers reports were affected by some systematic bias in reporting. Although both groups reported spending the same amount of time with their children, reporting bias may be due to differences in the mental health of nuclear and extended family mothers Lancaster, Prior, Adler,1989 or variation in the standards of conduct deemed acceptable by them Sonuga-Barke, Minocha, Taylor, Sandberg. These questions centre on the relation between actual deviance and parental perceptions and cannot be addressed without direct observation of the childs behaviour. Second, the relation between child development and family structure reported in the study might be mediated by the effects of stressful life events, such as migration. In a recent study. El Farouk (1991) examined the makeup of a representative sample of the large (34% of the total population; Population Census Office, 1989) migrant population living in Khartoum. More than half of the 266 migrant families studied included three generations. This is similar to the proportion found in the non migrant population and suggests that migration would not selectively affect childhood adjustment in the nuclear families in the present study. The findings imply that the meaning and protective significance of factors is conditional on cultural context as well as developmental status and history. Global ideals of human conduct operating within different cultures directly influence the meaning and significance of personal and intergenerational relationships within families. The impact of family life on child development is mediated by a set of beliefs about the extent to which a particular family structure is consistent with those ideals. In Sudanese culture, as in many traditional societies, social life is governed by ideals of communal interdependence, intergenerational harmony, and social conformity motivated by feelings of collective responsibility and filial piety. In extended families, the physical proximity, emotional intimacy, and (grand-) parental authority are consistent with these ideals. So far the issues that have been mentioned are that family arrangements can affect children development in educational aspects such as the childrens performance at school, and the differences between nuclear and extended family arrangements in regards to development. Another aspect that some research has found that family arrangements may affect is the nutrition and physical growth of children in their development this was researched by Tinkew and DeJong 2004. They looked into the influence of household structure and resource dilution features. The study aimed to compare the impact of different types of household structures such as single parent, multiple parents, extended and cohabitating, and the influence this had on childrens nutrition. They also aimed to investigate whether household structure and household resources interact to affect child nutrition. The results were collated from the Jamaica 1996 Living Standards Measurement Study Survey and other sources. The findings showed that living in a single parent household and cohabitating household increases the odds of stunting for children. The analysis also indicates that children in single parent families with low income and have siblings are more likely to have low height for age, as well as low income extended families with siblings. The key policy implication that is shown through this study is that household structure is important for understanding childrens nutritional outcomes in the Caribbean. This research was beneficial as it highlighted that household arrangements does have some impact on childrens development in regards to health issues. However, it can be criticised as the findings would be more reliable if a larger sample was used and the use of longitudinal data was used instead of cross sectional data, as this would be useful for capturing changes over time in childrens nutritional statuses as well as changes in household structures. Longitudinal data would be especially useful for understanding how changes in household structure can influence child nutrition given the variability of households in the Caribbean, and other changes in composition across the developmental cycle of the household. It has been suggested that further research should also include measures of parental time allocations which would improve the understanding of how time used as a resource is used to affect child nutrition. Household structures effects could work through a variety of mechanisms, and a careful study of these processes is needed especially with regard to future research on this issue in the Caribbean context. In regards to whet her this research is useful, it shows us that there can be some cultural family arrangement issues that are proven to impact the nutritional development of children showing us that there arent just psychological differences; which most research suggests there is. Overall it could be suggested that there are many cultural variations within many different family arrangements. However, it is not completely clear whether the family arrangement directly affects the childs development for reasons such as every child and their development is different and we therefore cannot pin point what factors specifically affect development. Other factors such as sexual orientation, wealth of families, social status and class are all areas that could be researched further to help link the affects within child development. 3215

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Song of Solomon Essays: Milkmans Search for Self :: Song Solomon essays

Milkman's Search for Self in Song of Solomon Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon is the story of Milkman's search for self. Milkman appears destined for a life of isolation and self-alienation. The Deads exemplify the patriarchal, nuclear family that has been a stable and critical feature of American society. The family is the institution for producing children, maintaining them, and providing individuals with the means to understand their place in the world order. But this nuclear patriarchal family creates many of the problems it should be solving. What represses the Deads is the father, Macon: his single-minded ambition, his unscrupulous greed, his materialism, and his lack of nurturing his family. Macon does not concentrate on being a loving and nurturing father; instead he concentrates on another aspect of paternity, the acquisition of property. Macon aspires to own property and other people too. His words to his son, "Let me tell you right now the one important thing that you'll ever need to know: Own things. And let the things you own own other things too. Then you'll own yourself and other people too". The owning of things as well as other people is a rather remarkable statement, coming from a descendant of slaves. Macon has not inherited this trait from his father, even though he mistakenly thinks so. His father had owned things that "grew" other things, not "owned" other things. Pilate Dead, Macon's younger sister, is a marked contrast to her brother and his family. Macon has a love of property and money, and this determines the nature of his relationships with others. Pilate has a sheer disregard for status, occupation, hygiene, and manners, and has the capability to respect, love, and trust. Her self-sufficiency and isolation prevent her from being trapped or destroyed by the decaying values that threaten her brother's life. The first part of the novel details the birth of Macon Dead III, the first black baby to ever be born at Mercy Hospital, which has been named by the African American community as No-Mercy Hospital. He acquires the name Milkman when people learn that his mother is still nursing him long after it is considered normal to do so. His father, Macon Dead, is a cold, insensitive man who places undue importance on material wealth and intimidates all he comes into contact with. Macon forbids Milkman to visit his Aunt Pilate because her eccentric ways, her unkempt appearance, and her stubborn insistence in making bootleg liquor embarrass him.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Experiment Proving Lambert-Eaton Syndrome (LES) Patients Potassium Chan

In order to understand Lambert-Eaton Syndrome (LES), it is first necessary to have a general understanding of the nervous system. The human nervous system is composed of the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which includes all the neural tissue outside the CNS. PNS is composed of two basic types of neurons (nerve cells): motor neurons and sensory neurons. Motor neurons, the target of LES, are used to send signals from the CNS to the body to stimulate a reaction. The most important of these reactions when discussing LES are muscle contractions. Sensory neurons move information the other way, from the PNS to the CNS, and bring information about the environment to the brain. The nerve itself is composed of a cell body (called a soma), an axon, and dendrites. Nerves send signals using an electrical charge that is passed from the dendrites,to the axon, then to the next cell. This electrical signal, known as a nerve impulse, is created by the movement of ions. Sodium (Na+) ions migrate into the nerve cell because of stimulation from the central nervous system. This creates a net localized positive charge inside the cell, called an action potential. However, the positive charge degrades as it moves through the cell because the ions will diffuse (and then so will the local charge). The nerve cell has devised a mechanism to keep the magnitude of the charge it receives and then later transmits at a constant value. There are a series of nodes along the axon where there is a high concentration of sodium (Na+) and K+ channels. There is a high concentration of Na+ outside the cell and a high concentration of K+ inside the cell. As the nodes sen... ...nts have fewer active zones, which are also less organized and contain less active zone particles. The active zone particles are essential to the human body, because they are the sites from which neurotransmitters are released. Moreover, the active zones particles include the calcium channels that are fundamental to the release of neurotransmitters. Further research of the calcium channels will help scientists to discover the precise cause and effect of LES which will in turn enable them to treat and perhaps find a cure for this disease. Current treatment techniques include the application of cholinesterase inhibitors, which slow down the degradation of neurotransmitters in the synapse, and 4-diaminopyridine, which block potassium channels and increase acetycholine release. This in turn keeps the presynaptic terminal activated for a longer period of time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Black People and African American Actors Essay

â€Å"We black men have a hard enough time in our own struggle for justice, and already have enough enemies as it is, to make the drastic mistake of attacking each other and adding more weight to an already unbearable load. † (Malcolm X) African American men through time have struggled for a power that is out of their reach because others hold the power. August Wilson’s Fences displays a Psychological/Psychoanalytic approach by illuminating the inherent injustice in America’s treatment of African American males and the ways in which this racism affects and invades the societal units – the family. The conventional husband-wife and father-son conflicts are subservient to the plays discussion of racism. Fences is a drama that focuses on the characteristics of black life in a small neighbor in 1957 and the strains of society of the Maxson family. The play shows how the main character struggles against his oppressive past and his present surroundings, and when he tries to regain the power in his life, he fails, and ends up bringing down other with him. The protagonist, Troy Maxson is a restless trash-collector and former baseball player for the Negro League. In the play, Fences, Troy’s past dictates the kind of man he is today. His father, an abusive unsuccessful sharecropper, has had a major impact on Troy. Troy states, â€Å"But I’ll say this for him†¦he felt a responsibility toward us. † (1310; all page references are to class text Literature an Introduction to Reading and Writing, 5th ed. ) This comment is the one good thing that Troy has to say about his father. Despite his father’s meanness, he did feel a sense of duty toward his family. After an incident with his father beating him unconscious, Troy left home at the age of fourteen (Wilson 1311). Leaving the oppressive rule of his father should have brought Troy a feeling of freedom, but Troy found the exact opposite. Troy found that there were no jobs or places for blacks to live so he began stealing to survive. He met a woman and got her pregnant with his first son. Lyons. The responsibility weighed on him because now he had two more mouths to feed (Wilson 1311). To take care of his family, he continued to steal which ended him jail for fifteen years and this is where he learned to play baseball. Troy Maxson was a great baseball player, at least according to his friend Bono. Although he played brilliantly for the â€Å"Negro Leagues†, by the time that blacks were allowed into the Major League Troy was too old. In Troy’s self-created illusion, he believes that he would have made it to the Major League if it were not for the color of his skin (Wilson 1292). Because he never earned the recognition or the money, which he felt he deserved, the discussion of professional sports will often send him into a tirade. In a discussion with Bono and Rose concerning Cory recruitment by a college football team, Troy states, â€Å"Jackie Robinson wasn’t nobody. I’m talking about if you could play ball then they ought to have let you play. Don’t care what color you were. † (1. 1. 78). Troy points out the blatant racism that kept him from a career in the major leagues. He was just as good, if not better, than many of the white players, and yet he did not get a shot. Troy, now fifty-three, has long retired from baseball; he makes a living for himself and his family as a garbage man, and nurses his well-earned bitterness. His life has been warped by white racism, and in turn, Troy is helpless to keep himself from warping his son’s life. Because of the racism, Troy has suffered in life and the tumultuous relationship with his father, Troy tries to control both is son’s lives. Troy has a low expectation of what black men can do with their lives, and is holding his sons back from obtaining successes that Troy could only dream about obtaining. Lyons is ambitious talented jazz musician. Lyons jazz playing appears to Troy as an unconventional and foolish occupation. In the beginning of Fences, Lyons comes to Troy to borrow ten dollars because he girlfriend Bonnie has a job working at the hospital. In Troy’s mind, Lyon is failing in his duty as a man by not taking care of his woman. Troy lectures Lyons, â€Å"I done learned my mistakes and learned to do what’s right it. You still trying to get something for nothing. Life don’t owe you nothing. You owe it to yourself. † (1. 1. 145). The quotation is an example of how Troy feels the black man will never amount to anything in the â€Å"white man’s world†. He also tries to control his son, Cory’s future because he see that he is going down the same road the Troy was on and was rejected from. Troy tells his wife Rose â€Å"The white man ain’t gonna let him get nowhere with the football. † (1. 1. 65). Through racial discrimination is still a huge problem in America during the 50s, things have gotten more equal, especially in the world of sports. Troy however is too stubborn and bitter to admit there has been some progress. Troy is now a fifty-three year old African American male who works for the sanitation department. Troy works to gain power as a man by changing his job situation. Troy goes to his boss, Mr. Rand and asks him â€Å"Why? Why you got white mens driving and the colored lifting? † (1. 1. 10). Troy sees this as oppression, though he knows that he has a job that is awarded to both white and black men, the racial line is till carefully drawn. He is determined to cross this line because he cannot handle any racial prejudices in his life. Troy continues to recount his fight with his boss to his long-time friend, Bono. Troy states, â€Å"You think only white fellows got sense enough to drive a truck. That ain’t no paper job! † (1. 1. 10). Troy feels that blacks are good enough to be drivers; he assumes that they would not be able to handle â€Å"paper† or office jobs. This is another example of how racism is so entrenched that black people are a little racist against themselves. Troy’s characters sought after this job in order to gain back some of the power in his life, even though he does not have a license to drive. He is finally able to prove to himself and the people around him that he is worthy and just as good as any other man, including white men. As a father, Troy feels obligated to provide the necessities of life, but he seems to think his duties end there. During a discussion between Cory and Troy, when Cory asked he father, â€Å"How come you never liked me? † Troy replies, â€Å"You live in my house†¦sleep your behind on my bedclothes†¦fill you belly up with my food†¦cause you my son. You my flesh and blood. Not cause I like you? Cause it’s my duty to take care you. † (1. 3. 107). It is clear the legacy of racism threatens to take another generation. However, he was unable to provide for his family alone and had to use the tragic injuries of his brother, Gabriel, a World War II veteran. Troy uses this money to pay for his house. He says, â€Å"If my brother didn’t have that metal plate in his head†¦I wouldn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. And I’m fifty-three years old. † (1. 2. 64). He feels weighed down by the guilt of using his brother’s destruction as a way to jumpstart his own life. He feels like the only reason he has anything is the fact that his brother life was ruined. Through he has a loving relationship with his wife Rose, he still strays and finds a woman with which he feels he can be a different man. He uses this affair as a way to escape from the responsibility of his life and the constant reminders of his shortcomings as a man. When trying to explain why he had the affair he tells Rose, â€Å"I can step out of this house and get away from the pressures and problems†¦be a different man. I ain’t got to wonder how I’m gonna pay the bills or get the roof fixed. I can just be a part of myself that I ain’t never been. † (2. 1. 98). His affairs results in a baby, and he needs Rose to help him, after his mistress, Alberta, died. Rose accepts the responsibility of raising this child, but she has cut off all emotion bonds with Troy. Rose tells him â€Å"I’ll take care of you baby for you†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢cause†¦ like you say†¦she’s innocent†¦and you can’t visit the sins of the father upon the child. From right now†¦this child got a mother. But you a womanless man. † (2. 3. 4). It is with this act that Troy loses more of his control and finds himself even more emasculated than before. Troy was unable to see that he did have control over one aspect of his life, yet he was too worried about proving his worth to others and to himself, that he proved his unworthiness to his own wife. Troy is a resentful victim of his life’s circumstances, a man who has become fenced in from happiness by the conviction that he was never paid what he was owed in any right: not from his father, not from his former baseball career, not from his employers, and not from his family. Troy tried to take back the power that was taken from him by demanding that his loved ones live practical, responsible lives while he has the freedom to have an affair, rebel against racist practices of his employers by protesting the limitation of black workers as lifters not drivers on the trash trucks. Troy refuses to see life in any presented to him but the way he perceives events in his own head. Eventually, Troy’s death leaves many negative attributes an inheritance for his family to sort out and accept. Fences I. INTRODUCTION (4-6 sentences) A. Quote B. Thesis Sentence–The play illuminate the inherent injustice in the America’s treatment of black men and the ways in which this racism affects and invades the family. 1. The conflicts in the play show has racism affected the family. 2. Set in 1957 after World War II when blacks still are fighting for power. 3. Shows how the characters struggle against his oppressive past and present, and when he tries to regain power he fails and brings down others around him. II. BODY (minimum of three paragraphs) A. 1st Supporting Paragraph (8-12 sentences) 1. Topic Sentence–Troy’s past dictates the kind of man he is today a. Subject – The ways he was raised b. Focus – why he left home and what he did when he left home 2. 1st Subtopic Sentence–His father was an abusive unsuccessful sharecropper 2nd Subtopic Sentence–left home at an early age and landed in jail. 3. Concluding Sentence– uneducated black man did what he had to do to serve. B. 2nd Supporting Paragraph (8-12 sentences) 1. Topic Sentence–Troy’s injustice dealing with his career a. Subject–Lost opportunity due to racism towards blacks in sports b. Focus– why is lost his opportunity to be the man he thought he was supposed to be and how he handles it 2. 1st Subtopic Sentence– during that time blacks were only allowed to play in the Negro League. 2nd Subtopic Sentence–Any talk about sports through Troy into a tirade. 3. Concluding Sentence–Because of the oppression that was placed on him, it causes he to oppress others dreams C. 3rd Supporting Paragraph (8-12 sentences) 1. Topic Sentence–The affect his past has on him and sons a. Subject–Troy’s low expectation for options that the black man has in a career b. Focus–He holds his sons back from realizing their dreams 2. 1st Subtopic Sentence–Thinks he son Lyon is wasting his life by not accepting a job that is thought as acceptable in the white man world 2nd Subtopic Sentence–Does not want his son Cory to follow in footsteps as an athlete because of how he was treated. 3. Concluding Sentence–Troy is too stubborn and bitter to admit there have been changes since his time concerning treatment of black athletes D. 4th Supporting Paragraph (8-12 sentences) 1. Topic Sentence–His job and racism a. Subject–Whites has the better job in the sanitation department b. Focus–Tries to change his job situation 2. 1st Subtopic Sentence–Troy goes to his boss and confronts him about the racism at work 2nd Subtopic Sentence–Troy himself is racist toward other blacks 3. Concluding Sentence–Troy is able to prove to himself and family that is worthy and as a good as any white man. E. 5th Supporting Paragraph (8-12 sentences) 1. Topic Sentence–Responsibilities as a father a. Subject–Troy believes that a father is only supposed to provide for his family b. Focus–how he goes about it 2. 1st Subtopic Sentence–Tells he son that he doesn’t have to love him he just has to make sure that he has a roof over his head 2nd Subtopic Sentence–Provides for his family by using his brother 3. Concluding Sentence– F. 5th Supporting Paragraph (8-12 sentences) 1. Topic Sentence–The effect it has on him relationship with his wifea. Subject–has an affair b. Focus–blames his responsibilities on his affair 2. 1st Subtopic Sentence–Tells his wife that he now choice but to cheat because of the things he has to do to make a life for his family 2nd Subtopic Sentence–Loses he wife 3. Concluding Sentence–is further emasculated III. CONCLUSION (3-4 sentences) A. Troy is a victim of life: his father, his dead career, his job and family all play are part B. Troy tries to control his life but the decision he makes lead him to be more oppressed then he was before. He is stuck in the past and cannot move forward with his life. His death continues the cycle.   

Monday, September 16, 2019

Digital Fortress Chapter 66-70

Chapter 66 Becker crossed the concourse toward the rest room doors only to find the door marked CABALLEROS blocked by an orange pylon and a cleaning cart filled with detergent and mops. He eyed the other door. DAMAS. He strode over and rapped loudly. â€Å"Hola?† he called, pushing the ladies' room door open an inch. â€Å"Con permiso?† Silence. He went in. The rest room was typical, Spanish institutional-perfectly square, white tile, one incandescent bulb overhead. As usual, there was one stall and one urinal. Whether the urinals were ever used in the women's bathrooms was immaterial-adding them saved the contractors the expense of having to build the extra stall. Becker peered into the rest room in disgust. It was filthy. The sink was clogged with murky brown water. Dirty paper towels were strewn everywhere. The floor was soaked. The old electric hand blower on the wall was smeared with greenish fingerprints. Becker stepped in front of the mirror and sighed. The eyes that usually stared back with fierce clarity were not so clear tonight. How long have I been running around over here? he wondered. The math escaped him. Out of professorial habit, he shimmied his necktie's Windsor knot up on his collar. Then he turned to the urinal behind him. As he stood there, he found himself wondering if Susan was home yet. Where could she have gone? To Stone Manor without me? â€Å"Hey!† a female voice behind him said angrily. Becker jumped. â€Å"I-I'm†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he stammered, hurrying to zip up. â€Å"I'm sorry†¦ I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Becker turned to face the girl who had just entered. She was a young sophisticate, right off the pages of Seventeen Magazine. She wore conservative plaid pants and a white sleeveless blouse. In her hand was a red L. L. Bean duffel. Her blond hair was perfectly blow-dried. â€Å"I'm sorry.† Becker fumbled, buckling his belt. â€Å"The men's room was†¦ anyway†¦ I'm leaving.† â€Å"Fuckin' weirdo!† Becker did a double-take. The profanity seemed inappropriate coming from her lips-like sewage flowing from a polished decanter. But as Becker studied her, he saw that she was not as polished as he'd first thought. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot, and her left forearm was swollen. Underneath the reddish irritation on her arm, the flesh was blue. Jesus, Becker thought. Intravenous drugs. Who would have guessed? â€Å"Get out!† she yelled. â€Å"Just get out!† Becker momentarily forgot all about the ring, the NSA, all of it. His heart went out to the young girl. Her parents had probably sent her over here with some prep school study program and a VISA card-and she'd ended up all alone in a bathroom in the middle of the night doing drugs. â€Å"Are you okay?† he asked, backing toward the door. â€Å"I'm fine.† Her voice was haughty. â€Å"You can leave now!† Becker turned to go. He shot her forearm a last sad glance. There's nothing you can do, David. Leave it alone. â€Å"Now!† she hollered. Becker nodded. As he left he gave her a sad smile. â€Å"Be careful.† Chapter 67 â€Å"Susan?† Hale panted, his face in hers. He was sitting, one leg on either side of her, his full weight on her midsection. His tailbone ground painfully into her pubis through the thin fabric of her skirt. His nose was dripping blood all over her. She tasted vomit in the back of her throat. His hands were at her chest. She felt nothing. Is he touching me? It took a moment for Susan to realize Hale was buttoning her top button and covering her up. â€Å"Susan.† Hale gasped, breathless. â€Å"You've got to get me out of here.† Susan was in a daze. Nothing made sense. â€Å"Susan, you've got to help me! Strathmore killed Chartrukian! I saw it!† It took a moment for the words to register. Strathmore killed Chartrukian? Hale obviously had no idea Susan had seen him downstairs. â€Å"Strathmore knows I saw him!† Hale spat. â€Å"He'll kill me too!† Had Susan not been breathless with fear, she would have laughed in his face. She recognized the divide-and-conquer mentality of an ex-Marine. Invent lies-pit your enemies against each other. â€Å"It's true!† he yelled. â€Å"We've got to call for help! I think we're both in danger!† She did not believe a word he said. Hale's muscular legs were cramping, and he rolled up on his haunches to shift his weight slightly. He opened his mouth to speak, but he never got the chance. As Hale's body rose, Susan felt the circulation surge back into her legs. Before she knew what had happened, a reflex instinct jerked her left leg back hard into Hale's crotch. She felt her kneecap crush the soft sac of tissue between his legs. Hale whimpered in agony and instantly went limp. He rolled onto his side, clutching himself. Susan twisted out from under his deadweight. She staggered toward the door, knowing she'd never be strong enough to get out. Making a split-second decision, Susan positioned herself behind the long maple meeting table and dug her feet into the carpet. Mercifully the table had casters. She strode with all her might toward the arched glass wall, pushing the table before her. The casters were good, and the table rolled well. Halfway across Node 3, she was at a full sprint. Five feet from the glass wall, Susan heaved and let go. She leapt to one side and covered her eyes. After a sickening crack, the wall exploded in a shower of glass. The sounds of Crypto rushed into Node 3 for the first time since its construction. Susan looked up. Through the jagged hole, she could see the table. It was still rolling. It spun wide circles out across the Crypto floor and eventually disappeared into the darkness. Susan rammed her mangled Ferragamo's back on her feet, shot a last glance at the still-writhing Greg Hale, and dashed across the sea of broken glass out onto the Crypto floor. Chapter 68 â€Å"Now wasn't that easy?† Midge said with a sneer as Brinkerhoff handed over the key to Fontaine's office. Brinkerhoff looked beaten. â€Å"I'll erase it before I go,† Midge promised. â€Å"Unless you and your wife want it for your private collection.† â€Å"Just get the damned printout,† he snapped. â€Å"And then get out!† â€Å"Si, senor,† Midge cackled in a thick Puerto Rican accent. She winked and headed across the suite to Fontaine's double doors. Leland Fontaine's private office looked nothing like the rest of the directorial suite. There were no paintings, no overstuffed chairs, no ficus plants, no antique clocks. His space was streamlined for efficiency. His glass-topped desk and black leather chair sat directly in front of his enormous picture window. Three file cabinets stood in the corner next to a small table with a French press coffeepot. The moon had risen high over Fort Meade, and the soft light filtering through the window accentuated the starkness of the director's furnishings. What the hell am I doing? Brinkerhoff wondered. Midge strode to the printer and scooped up the queue list. She squinted in the darkness. â€Å"I can't read the data,† she complained. â€Å"Turn on the lights.† â€Å"You're reading it outside. Now come on.† But Midge was apparently having too much fun. She toyed with Brinkerhoff, walking to the window and angling the readout for a better view. â€Å"Midge†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She kept reading. Brinkerhoff shifted anxiously in the doorway. â€Å"Midge†¦ come on. These are the director's private quarters.† â€Å"It's here somewhere,† she muttered, studying the printout. â€Å"Strathmore bypassed Gauntlet, I know it.† She moved closer to the window. Brinkerhoff began to sweat. Midge kept reading. After a few moments, she gasped. â€Å"I knew it! Strathmore did it! He really did! The idiot!† She held up the paper and shook it. â€Å"He bypassed Gauntlet! Have a look!† Brinkerhoff stared dumbfounded a moment and then raced across the director's office. He crowded in next to Midge in front of the window. She pointed to the end of the readout. Brinkerhoff read in disbelief. â€Å"What the†¦?† The printout contained a list of the last thirty-six files that had entered TRANSLTR. After each file was a four-digit Gauntlet clearance code. However, the last file on the sheet had no clearance code-it simply read: manual bypass. Jesus, Brinkerhoff thought. Midge strikes again. â€Å"The idiot!† Midge sputtered, seething. â€Å"Look at this! Gauntlet rejected the file twice! Mutation strings! And he still bypassed! What the hell was he thinking?† Brinkerhoff felt weak-kneed. He wondered why Midge was always right. Neither of them noticed the reflection that had appeared in the window beside them. A massive figure was standing in Fontaine's open doorway. â€Å"Jeez,† Brinkerhoff choked. â€Å"You think we have a virus?† Midge sighed. â€Å"Nothing else it could be.† â€Å"Could be none of your damn business!† the deep voice boomed from behind them. Midge knocked her head against the window. Brinkerhoff tipped over the director's chair and wheeled toward the voice. He immediately knew the silhouette. â€Å"Director!† Brinkerhoff gasped. He strode over and extended his hand. â€Å"Welcome home, sir.† The huge man ignored it. â€Å"I-I thought,† Brinkerhoff stammered, retracting his hand, â€Å"I thought you were in South America.† Leland Fontaine glared down at his aide with eyes like bullets. â€Å"Yes†¦ and now I'm back.† Chapter 69 â€Å"Hey, mister!† Becker had been walking across the concourse toward a bank of pay phones. He stopped and turned. Coming up behind him was the girl he'd just surprised in the bathroom. She waved for him to wait. â€Å"Mister, wait!† Now what? Becker groaned. She wants to press invasion-of-privacy charges? The girl dragged her duffel toward him. When she arrived, she was now wearing a huge smile. â€Å"Sorry to yell at you back there. You just kind of startled me.† â€Å"No problem,† Becker assured, somewhat puzzled. â€Å"I was in the wrong place.† â€Å"This will sound crazy,† she said, batting her bloodshot eyes. â€Å"But you wouldn't happen to have some money you can lend me, would you?† Becker stared at her in disbelief. â€Å"Money for what?† he demanded. I'm not funding your drug habit if that's what you're asking. â€Å"I'm trying to get back home,† the blonde said. â€Å"Can you help?† â€Å"Miss your flight?† She nodded. â€Å"Lost my ticket. They wouldn't let me get on. Airlines can be such assholes. I don't have the cash to buy another.† â€Å"Where are your parents?† Becker asked. â€Å"States.† â€Å"Can you reach them?† â€Å"Nope. Already tried. I think they're weekending on somebody's yacht.† Becker scanned the girl's expensive clothing. â€Å"You don't have a credit card?† â€Å"Yeah, but my dad canceled it. He thinks I'm on drugs.† â€Å"Are you on drugs?† Becker asked, deadpan, eyeing her swollen forearm. The girl glared, indignant. â€Å"Of course not!† She gave Becker an innocent huff, and he suddenly got the feeling he was being played. â€Å"Come on,† she said. â€Å"You look like a rich guy. Can't you spot me some cash to get home? I could send it to you later.† Becker figured any cash he gave this girl would end up in the hands of some drug dealer in Triana. â€Å"First of all,† he said, â€Å"I'm not a rich guy-I'm a teacher. But I'll tell you what I'll do†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I'll call your bluff, that's what I'll do. â€Å"Why don't I charge the ticket for you?† The blonde stared at him in utter shock. â€Å"You'd do that?† she stammered, eyes wide with hope. â€Å"You'd buy me a ticket home? Oh, God, thank you!† Becker was speechless. He had apparently misjudged the moment. The girl threw her arms around him. â€Å"It's been a shitty summer,† she choked, almost bursting into tears. â€Å"Oh, thank you! I've got to get out of here!† Becker returned her embrace halfheartedly. The girl let go of him, and he eyed her forearm again. She followed his gaze to the bluish rash. â€Å"Gross, huh?† Becker nodded. â€Å"I thought you said you weren't on drugs.† The girl laughed. â€Å"It's Magic Marker! I took off half my skin trying to scrub it off. The ink smeared.† Becker looked closer. In the fluorescent light, he could see, blurred beneath the reddish swelling on her arm, the faint outline of writing-words scrawled on flesh. â€Å"But†¦ but your eyes,† Becker said, feeling dumb. â€Å"They're all red.† She laughed. â€Å"I was crying. I told you, I missed my flight.† Becker looked back at the words on her arm. She frowned, embarrassed. â€Å"Oops, you can still kind of read it, can't you?† Becker leaned closer. He could read it all right. The message was crystal clear. As he read the four faint words, the last twelve hours flashed before his eyes. David Becker found himself back in the Alfonso XIII hotel room. The obese German was touching his own forearm and speaking broken English: Fock off und die. â€Å"You okay?† the girl asked, eyeing the dazed Becker. Becker did not look up from her arm. He was dizzy. The four words smeared across the girl's flesh carried a very simple message: FUCK OFF AND DIE. The blonde looked down at it, embarrassed. â€Å"This friend of mine wrote it†¦ pretty stupid, huh?† Becker couldn't speak. Fock off und die. He couldn't believe it. The German hadn't been insulting him, he'd been trying to help. Becker lifted his gaze to the girl's face. In the fluorescent light of the concourse, he could see faint traces of red and blue in the girl's blond hair. â€Å"Y-you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Becker stammered, staring at her unpierced ears. â€Å"You wouldn't happen to wear earrings, would you?† The girl eyed him strangely. She fished a tiny object from her pocket and held it out. Becker gazed at the skull pendant dangling in her hand. â€Å"A clip-on?† he stammered. â€Å"Hell, yes,† the girl replied. â€Å"I'm scared shitless of needles.† Chapter 70 David Becker stood in the deserted concourse and felt his legs go weak. He eyed the girl before him and knew his search was over. She had washed her hair and changed clothes-maybe in hopes of having better luck selling the ring-but she'd never boarded for New York. Becker fought to keep his cool. His wild journey was about to end. He scanned her fingers. They were bare. He gazed down at her duffel. It's in there, he thought. It's got to be! He smiled, barely containing his excitement. â€Å"This is going to sound crazy,† he said, â€Å"but I think you've got something I need.† â€Å"Oh?† Megan seemed suddenly uncertain. Becker reached for his wallet. â€Å"Of course I'd be happy to pay you.† He looked down and started sorting through the cash in his billfold. As Megan watched him count out his money, she drew a startled gasp, apparently misunderstanding his intentions. She shot a frightened glance toward the revolving door†¦ measuring the distance. It was fifty yards. â€Å"I can give you enough to buy your ticket home if-â€Å" â€Å"Don't say it,† Megan blurted, offering a forced smile. â€Å"I think I know exactly what you need.† She bent down and started rifling through her duffel. Becker felt a surge of hope. She's got it! he told himself. She's got the ring! He didn't know how the hell she knew what it was he wanted, but he was too tired to care. Every muscle in his body relaxed. He pictured himself handing the ring to the beaming deputy director of the NSA. Then he and Susan would lie in the big canopy bed at Stone Manor and make up for lost time. The girl finally found what she was looking for-her PepperGuard-the environmentally safe alternative to mace, made from a potent blend of cayenne and chili peppers. In one swift motion, she swung around and fired a direct stream into Becker's eyes. She grabbed her duffel and dashed for the door. When she looked back, David Becker was on the floor, holding his face, writhing in agony.